Alleged Evils of the Blogosphere

Lord of the Blogs

Writing of places at, Kathleen Parker is displeased with the at times rough and tumble realm of the blogosphere, and the truth that it is beyond control of professional editiorialists and/or journalists, presumably such as herself.

She likens the blogosphere to the barbaro-anarchy that evolved in the book “Lord of the Flies”, hence her header as shown above. If she, and others of her ilk had their way, the blogosphere would be reigned in and/or discounted due to lack of what she patronizingly refers to as “adult supervision” of responsible editorial control.

The Chief thinks that she has the wrong “Lord” in mind. The type of situation she would like is closer to that of “Lord of the Rings”, with all purveyors of “news” and opinion being under the spell of editorial ringwraiths serving the Dark Lord of the MSM.

Kim du Toit and the Emperor Misha also take severe exception, each in their respective styles, to her weeping, wailing, and knashing of teeth concerning the unregulated blogosphere. Better call her a wahmbulance! (Wah-wah, wah-wah, etc.)