The REAL Threat to Western Civ.

It’s the demography, stupid

Whether or not you like Pat Buchanan, one of the things he has made to be one of his major issues is the demographic hollowing out of the western world, and the consequent threat to the continued existance of western civilization as we know it.

This article by Mark Steyn lays it all out as clearly as one could want. The Chief has to admit that this is a disturbing trend. The US is threatened, but the Euros are in deep, deep,…camel dung. The logic here is unfortunately not answerable. The next decade may well be decisive.

While this is a somewhat long article, it is one of those things that anyone who is concerned about what is literally the very real question about the survival of our culture and civilization. (I am NOT exaggerating, unfortunately.)

H/T to Little Green Footballs.