425 cars torched in New Year’s unrest in France
Surprise, surprise. The Fwench continue to demonstrate that they have currently lost control of their own country.
President Jacques Chirac spoke of the unrest during his annual New Year’s Eve television address and urged the French to do more to fight racism and a lack of opportunities in poor neighborhoods  problems that fed frustrations among young rioters. “Diversity is part of our history: It is a resource,” he said.” It is an asset for our future.”
Hmmmm. They aren’t so accepting of diversity when it’s from the USA. Oh, yeah, OUR barbecues only cook meat, not cars.
The jihadistanis continue to run rampant, while the dhimmicratic government continues to waffle, and call for “positive discrimination” in favor of the islamist insurgents. Now THERE’s a recipe for real peace!
Can you say “President LePen”?