Smart-a–ed Kid’s Iraqi Odyssey Over

Florida Teen Home After Iraq Adventure

A 16-year-old who took off to Iraq alone to experience the lives of its people firsthand, arrived back in Florida on Sunday, ending a three-week Middle East odyssey much to the relief of his parents. Farris Hassan gave a thumbs-up to reporters as he walked, surrounded by family members, to a car waiting outside Miami International Airport.

Just a few thoughts on this one:
* Why was there NOT any alarm from his parents when he e-mailed them from Kuwait BEFORE he went to Lebanon (not exactly noted for it’s stability and friendliness to American travelers these days)BEFORE he went to Baghdad? (Hi Mom and Dad! I’m in Kuwait on my way to Baghdad for Christmas Break! Don’t worry, everything is fine so far! Bye.)
* “Family friends” in Lebanon – home of Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, et al. Under the heavy influence of Syria, currently assisting the Jihadistanis in Iraq and elsewhere. Now THAT’s reassuring – NOT! No wonder his school has some concerns:

Officials at Pine Crest School, the academy Farris attends in Fort Lauderdale, have asked for a meeting with his parents before he is allowed to return to class.

* Something about a SLIGHT lack of parental involvement here?

He was able to secure an entry visa for Iraq because both of his parents were born there, though they’ve been in the United States for more than three decades. He took his U.S. passport and $1,800 in cash, but didn’t tell his family what he was doing until he arrived in Kuwait and sent them an e-mail.

He took $1800 cash, PLUS he had bought the airplane tickets – which COULDN’T have been cheap. Am I just old fashined, or does that seem like perhaps a bit of excessive “pocket money” for a high school kid to have without parental review? Just asking, mind you.

This kid is lucky that the 101st Airborne was there to pull his chestnuts out of the fire, before some jihadistani got ahold of him for…the possibilities were manifold…and most likely MUCH more unpleasant than what actually did happen.