China raps sanctions for Iran arms sales
One of the hallmarks of the ChiComs has been a long-standing willingness to sell virtually anything in the armament department to anyone who can pay the bill. Continuing to do so has resulted in the US imposing sanctions on six ChiCom agencies government organizations companies who have sold “items relating to weapons of mass destruction” to Iran. An Austrian arms firm, and two Indian chemical manufacturers were similarly sanctioned.
The ChiComs are especially displeased:
China’s government yesterday demanded that the Bush administration lift sanctions imposed on six companies on charges of illicit sales to Iran, saying the action undermined Beijing’s cooperation with the United States.
Firstly it needs to be noted, that business in China is part of the government. Remember the bit about being COMMUNIST China? As in socialist? As in the state owns the means of production? Any questions on that one? So if a ChiCom “corporation” sells hot stuff to Iran, of necessity it is the result of a policy decision by the ChiCom government. If they are supplying components and/or technology that are supportive of weapons of mass destruction, this is a governmental act.
Secondly, the ChiComs are bitching that “the action (of imposing sanctions) undermined Beijing’s cooperation with the United States”!
Hello? Come again? WHAT f-ing cooperation with the United States?!! Selling WMD stuff to Iran is an example of ChiCom COOPERATION WITH THE UNITED STATES???!!!!! The total logical inversion here moves into the realm of surreal absurdity!