Rally organizer tied to Marxist party
Whay am I NOT surprised?
One of the key organizers of the immigration protests and rallies nationwide, including yesterday’s in Washington, is a group whose leaders are tied to the Workers World Party, a Marxist organization that has expressed support for dictators Kim Jong-il of North Korea and Saddam Hussein of Iraq.
They seem to have the ANSWER:
Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition, which also has proposed a nationwide boycott on May 1 to protest congressional efforts at immigration reform and border security, is an offshoot of the International Action Coalition, an anti-capitalism group founded by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
Ramsey Clark? Now THAT’s informative. There MAY be a farther out moonbat lefty somewhere, but the Chief would be hard-pressed to figure out where, at least this side of the Korean DMZ.
The Workers World Party, a communist organization in the United States founded in 1959, describes itself as a party that has, since its founding, “supported the struggles of all oppressed peoples” and opposes “all forms of racism and religious bigotry.” In addition to sponsoring or directing numerous popular-front groups, it was instrumental in founding ANSWER through the International Action Coalition.
As far as the illegal demos go – if they don’t like it here, they shouldn’t let the door hit them in the ass on the way out!