The Chief has had a healthy (but not slavish) appreciation of Ayn Rand and her Objectivist view since my first exposure from reading The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged while in hisgh school in the early 60’s. I have occassionally checked in at the Ayn Rand Institute site from time to time, but not lately, until now.
Checking a section of the site dedicated to examination of foriegn policy issues, I was highly impressed by this:
Whether we acknowledge it or not, Islamic totalitarianism is at war with America.
This is a refreshing change from a lot of comments from the Losertarian Libertarian Party, and others calling themselves libertarians, who have a fatally flawed idea that it’s somehow immoral for us to do what needs to be done to properly and effectively conduct the terror war. IMHO, they haven’t figured it out that a delimited Constitutional system is (a) no guarantee of survival in the face of a determined (if asymmetrical) attack, and (b) that said Constitutional government is NOT a suicide pact (i.e. as Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt (both of ’em) and Reagan all knew, at times is is required to do what is necessary to prevail in war, and then sort out the legalistic curlicues after the fighting is over.)
The site also to this piece which caught my eye also:
(Gotta love the direct approach!)
The proper response to Islamists and their supporters is to identify them as our ideological and political enemies–and dispense justice accordingly. In the case of our militant enemies, we must kill or demoralize them–especially those regimes that support terrorism and fuel the Islamist movement; as for the rest, we must politically ignore them and intellectually discredit them, while proudly arguing for the superiority of Americanism. Such a policy would make us safe, expose Islamic anti-Americanism as irrational and immoral, and embolden the better Muslims to support our ideals and emulate our ways.
Every attempt to appease “Muslim opinion” preserves, promotes, and emboldens our enemies. Every concession to angry Muslim mobs gives hope to the Islamist cause. Every day we allow terrorist regimes to exist gives their minions time to execute the next Sept. 11. America needs honest leadership with the courage to identify and defeat our enemies–“Muslim opinion” be damned.
There’s a lot of good stuff on this site in similar vein. A great source of rhetorical and ideological ammo to use on the moonbat anti-war appeasers and their ilk. Check it out.