Freed Hostage Wants More of the Same?

Ex-hostage’s Iraq return angers her rescue team

The Chief (appropriately) acidly commented here about the situation where it strongly appeared as though the Kraut German government swapped the release of a convicted terr and/or a good sized cash payment for the release of one of their citizens who had been kidnapped by Islamofascist terrs in Iraq.

Now it turns out that the alleged victim, plans on turning right around and going back to Iraq without returning to Deutschland uber alles, much to the consternation of those who bent over backwards to assume the position for the Islamofascists in order to get her sprung from captivity.

Details coming out add to the absurdity:

Frau Osthoff converted to Islam, speaks Arabic and was married to a nomadic tribesman from the region near the Iraqi-Syrian border; she plainly considers Iraq to be her home.

Part of this soap opera reminds one of the classic short story “The Ransom of Red Chief”. If you’re not familiar with it, check it out.

Frau Osthoff was unharmed and, according to security sources quoted in Der Spiegel, the sharp-tongued archaeologist made full use of her Arabic fluency to reprimand the kidnappers. It appears they were relieved to see her go.

The whole outcome here has more than a little justice – the Kraut German government deserves whatever heartburn it has acquired from this, for negotiating with terrorists in the first place.

Can you say schadenfreude?