The Land of Oz – Fantasy Indeed!

Blame PM, not us: imam

Another commonly used nickname for the land down under is the “Land of Oz”. This radical Islamofascist Imam is trying to turn the Hey reality into something as unreal as J. Frank Baum’s Oz which was the home of the Wizard, Emerald City, flying monkeys, etc.

He’s putting out his spin on the recent anti-mideast riots – and gives evidence that the attempted imposition of dhimmitude continues apace. Hopefully the Aussies continue to protest as forcefully as necessary to squelch any further dhimmitudinal development.

At this rate it shouldn’t be hard – the rhetoric is so far gone from reality as to take one’s breath away:

Firebrand Muslim cleric Mohammad Omran has blamed the Howard Government for radicalising young Muslims, claiming that demonising Islam was driving its followers towards a terrorist mentality. “The Government is pushing the people to believe they can do all these major disaster things,” Sheik Omran told The Australian in his first major interview since 18 men, including a number of his followers, were arrested last month in Sydney and Melbourne, accused of plotting acts of terrorism.

Sheik Omran said the Howard Government’s focus on terrorism was making the “naive” Australian public paranoid about Muslims and the likelihood of a terrorist attack in Australia. “The problem here is our people. When I say our people, I say Australians in general, my beautiful people, they are so naive about the threat of terrorism because they have never had to deal with any great disasters on home soil,” he said.

Hey Sheik – naive? How about realistic. Like, Bali isn’t that far away from Oz. maybe they don’t want to wait until your fellow practitioneres of the Religion of Piss Peace succeed with a version of 9-11 of Oz!

In his Michael Street prayer centre in Melbourne’s inner north, Sheik Omran said he was no more radical than the 13 other Melbourne imams, but unlike them, he was not afraid to openly express his opposition to the war on Iraq and his support for jihadists who were fighting the coalition forces in the country.

Straight from the camel’s as-… er, mouth: He’s just a typical Imam with the volume turned up loud.

Sheik Omran, who has repeatedly come under fire from other clerics and John Howard for espousing extreme views, including denying that Muslims were to blame for the September 11 attacks on the US or the London bombings earlier this year, defended his approach.

Right! It was the evil Jews and the black helicopter guys!

The head of the Melbourne-based Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamaah Association said terror attacks around the world, including September 11 and the London bombings, were predominantly Western conspiracies concocted to sully the image of Islam.

Or maybe it’s the secret Order of Knights Templars renewing the Crusades from their headquarters is hidden below the NY Stock Exchange. (Didn’t you see the movie National Treasure?

He said he wanted to “wake people up to the fact” that Osama bin Laden’s involvement in September 11 “is not true” and in so doing attempt to turn them away from terrorism.

Huh? There must be an attempt at some form of logical thought here, but somehow it eludes me.

Maybe we really DO need those Templars back again! DEUS VULT!