Reasonable People vs. The Mass Movement
Kim DuToit’s Other Side showed up with a thoughtful and optimistic post on the relative merits and strength of the current crop of lefty moonbats of various persuasions vs the foundational strengths of the VRWC.
Just a taste:
…the way for survival lies with our traditional values and institutions, (small r) republicanism, knowledge of the failures and successes of the past, and above all, literacy. If we simply adopt all of those, we cannot lose, and we will be unstoppable.
Here’s a little statement for the Left: All you can offer is a record of failure, blue-sky utopianism or fetid anarchy. You’ve lost, badly, and you’re going to lose still worse as time goes on.
For evil to flourish, all it takes is for good men to do nothing. Well, everywhere I look, I see good men who are not going to do nothing, anymore.
Tremble, you followers of the Left, because you are yesterday’s news, and all the screaming, denials and feces-flinging won’t work anymore.
Check it out!
H/T to the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.