ChiCom Military, Political Strategies towards US

Think Tank Details ChiCom Danger

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There has been a fair amount out there on the continuing military and political threats from the ChiComs. Bill Gertz in the Washington Times has been one of the leading sources in media for this. This report on the ChiCom situation is worth a look, and more.

It is the sort of long-term perspective that is sorely missing in virtually all of the US MSM and in the political chattering classes which often won’t see beyond the next poll, to say nothing of beyond the next election.

It’s the Chief’s humble opinion that while the Terror war must be vigorously prosecuted on all fronts, the ChiCom situation can only be neglected at our peril. We may well be faced with the prospect of running up the white flag in the WestPac area, or facing a full-blown war when the ChiComs finally move forcefully to solve the Taiwan issue to their satisfaction.

This report is comprehensive and detailed, and makes FAR too much sense for comfortable complasence. Go ahead, give in to the secret policy wonk in you and take a look at it – forewarned is forearmed!