This is really nothing at all new, but the Chief was struck once again how the play and priorities of the Washington Post of what is allegedly their “straight” news coverage delivers a consistant drumbeat anti-administration message that is clearly discernable to the libDonk PLM (Politico-legal-media) establishment, as well as to perceptive opponents.
So, just a reminder that the liberal MSM can be trusted to be in the end, well…the liberal MSM, the Chief notes the following from one day’s coverage (with appropriate commentary and analysis):
Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. once argued that the nation’s top law enforcement official deserves blanket protection from lawsuits when acting in the name of national security, even when those actions involve the illegal wiretapping of American citizens, documents released yesterday show.
WaPo message: AH-HA! Yet ANOTHER wiretapping issue. Another dastardly part of the Bushitlerite plot to demolish the constitution and implement the American Empire.
Cheif’s note: Looks like Alito knows his head from a hole in the ground, and realizes that the Constitution is not a civil-libertarian suiciode pact.
U.S. Monitored Muslim Sites Across Nation for Radiation
Clandestine FBI and Energy Department teams have monitored private property in the United States for signs of radiation without warrants, U.S. officials said yesterday. Officials said the monitoring, which intensified after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, did not require warrants or court orders because it took place from publicly accessible areas or from parking lots or driveways leading to private facilities, which the FBI believes do not carry privacy protections.
…government teams were sent to more than 100 Muslim sites in the Washington area, including mosques, homes, businesses and warehouses, plus similar sites in Chicago, Detroit, Las Vegas, New York and Seattle.
WaPo message: ANOTHER warrentless invasion of the privacy of poor innocent followers of the religion of piss peace. Not only is this an unjustified abridgement of a “right-thinking” view of civil liberties, but it is OBVIOUSLY racist, since it ONLY targeted Muslim properties, and failed to also include monitoring of Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Presbyterian, Mormon, Buddhist, Hindu, Ba’hai, Christian Science, Episcopalian, Baptist, (just to name a few examples) sites.
Chief’s note: So dumb, that no comment is needed!
Two closely related reports (just in case you missed one, the other is backup just to make sure you get the point!
U.S. Airstrikes Take Toll on Civilians
U.S. Marine airstrikes targeting insurgents sheltering in Iraqi residential neighborhoods are killing civilians as well as guerrillas along the Euphrates River in far western Iraq, according to Iraqi townspeople and officials and the U.S. military.
Military Confirms Surge in Airstrikes
U.S. airstrikes in Iraq have surged this fall, jumping to nearly five times the average monthly rate earlier in the year, according to U.S. military figures.
WaPo messages: Oh the horrror of it all! Actually dropping bombs on enemy targets and also killing his closest neighbors. Better to stop it all, bring back the troops NOW, stop the bombing, and leave the poor Islamofascists alone, than to have any “civilian” bystanders endangered, injured, or (shudder) killed.
Chief’s note: Remember General Sherman’s observation that “War is hell”. Another thought – if I was living someplace, and a grouped of armed terrorists who are known to be actively engaged in open war with a military superpower moved in next door, it would NOT take a cluebat for me to figure out that the neighborhood had suddenly became a much more dangerous place to live. Bombs taking out the house next door, and splattering over the fence would be one likely result of the changed neighborhood demographics, eh?
AS far as an increase in the tempo of air attacks, it’s about time! If we can take out some terrs with a fly-by bombing, that means there is just less house-to-house fighting to put our troops at risk. Besides, house-to-house combat is NOT noted for being kind to neighboring property and occupants either! (Refer to Stalingrad (1943), Berlin (1945), and Budapest (1956) for examples, although the last was not as intensely severe as the first two cases.)
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Last but not least are two items concerning Tom Dachshund Daschle, South Dakota’s prime example that the undead DO walk among us (since Daschle hasn’t been back long enough to allow anyone to get to him with the garlic and wooden stake. Where is Buffy now that we REALLY need her?)
First is this Op-Ed by the inimitable TD himself, which deserves and gets it’s own dissection from the Chief.
Then, in case someone doesn’t get the point, the WaPo covers it’s own OpEd piece as being news in and of itself.
Daschle: Congress Denied Bush War Powers in U.S.
The Bush administration requested, and Congress rejected, war-making authority “in the United States” in negotiations over the joint resolution passed days after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to an opinion article by former Senate majority leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) in today’s Washington Post.
Nope, no journalistic self-promotion here! Only honest, professional, disinterested news coverage. Nothing else to see folks, move along.
The Chief has personally met the inimitable Sen. Tom and verbally locked horns with him in a “meet the voters” meeting here, and frankly, if he declared the sun to be rising, it would be worth looking out the window to make sure of it, since of \ver the years he has been shameless in twisting reality in original and politiically expedient ways.
Such is the world view of the WaPo and most of the rest of the MSM. Why does it give me a headache? Time to close this post and find the little bottle of Bayer.