In Memoriam:
COOKIE – 25 Dec 1996 – 22 Dec 2005
One of the Chief’s shipboard crew of three Pembroke Welsh Corgis has a rather nasty tumor removed about a year ago. Last month we learned that it had alread escaped, and moved aggressively into her thoracic cavity, and that there was nothing else to do about it.
As such things do, the progression finally reached the point where the final veteranary solution was necessary and she had to be put down.
It may seem to some to be tritely personal and insignificant in the overall scheme of things, but it’s more than that to our household, and IMHO worth taking note of, since it has been a serious disruption to what passes for normal around here, including the state of blogging activity.
FOUR-FEET – Rudyard Kipling
I have done mostly what most men do, And pushed it out of my mind;
But I can’t forget, if I wanted to, Four-Feet trottlng behind.
Day after day, the whole day through –
Wherever my road inclined –
Four Feet said “I am coming with you!â€Â
And trotted along behind.
Now I must go by some other round, –
Which I shall never find –
Somewhere that does not carry the sound
Of Four-Feet trotting behind.