Mexico Promises to Block Border Wall Plan
Vicente Fox must be pretty nervous down in Mexico. If the US goes ahead with plans to effectively regain control of its own border by building a border wall, then he and his ilk will finally have to do something to improve the situation south of the border to take care of his own people instead of shipping them north, and from the point of view of Mexico’s dominant political and economic rulers, that would NEVER do!
The Mexican government, angered by a U.S. proposal to extend a wall along the border to keep out migrants, pledged Tuesday to block the plan and organize an international campaign against it. Facing a growing tide of anti-immigrant sentiment north of the border, the Mexican government has taken out ads urging Mexican workers to denounce rights violations in the United States. It also is hiring an American public relations firm to improve its image and counter growing U.S. concerns about immigration.
Hey Foxy – here’s a clue bat for you – it’s more than just a P.R. problem you have up here!
Mexican President Vicente Fox denounced the U.S. measures, passed by the House of Representatives on Friday, as “shameful” and his foreign secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez, echoed his complaints on Tuesday.
Guys, last time I looked there was no US Constitutional requirement that we had to clear our legislation through the Distrito Federal de Mexico. The only thing “shameful in the whole situation is that it’s taking so long for the US to reassert it’s own severiegnty. (Well, that and what may happen when the Donk/RINO coalition in the Senate gets hold of this!)
“Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall,” Derbez said.
Will not “permit, and it will not allow”? Hello? Let me spell it out for you so you can understand:
United States Constitution, Article 1, section 8:
The Congress shall have Power to…Provide for the common Defence…Regulate Commerce with foreign Nations…to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization…” Get it? It says NOTHING about the government of Mexico having a role in this so go -(insert your own fave suggestion here)- yourself!
It’s hard to underestimate the ill-feeling the proposal has generated in Mexico, where editorial pages are dominated by cartoons of Uncle Sam putting up walls bearing anti-Mexican messages.
It’s hard for the media, including the writer of this piece, to comprehend the ill-feeling being generated here by the continuing flood across the border that has to be paid for. Actually the Chief wouldn’t have a problem with a lot of Mexican workers coming in – IF AND ONLY IF – the governmental welfare financial safety net were not applicable to them. When the Chief had occasion to visit the UK a few years back, the Brits stamped right in the passport with the entry visa a note that included “…recourse to public funds prohibited.” It works for me!
He said many Mexicans felt betrayed by the anti-immigrant sentiment. “We learned to believe in the United States. We have a binational life,” he said of Zacatecas, a state that has been sending migrants north for more than a century. “It isn’t just a feeling of rejection. It’s against what we see as part of our life, our culture, our territory.”
HUH? Does anyone else hear a problem in this? Try believing in Mexico, and then maybe fixing your own problems, starting with retireing the government down there. And what in the hell is the bit about …”what we see as…OUR TERRITORY.”????? WTF?
The mistaken belief that the proposals are a done deal _ they must still be submitted to the Senate _ have caused “just complete fear and shock” among some activists and immigrants, Allen said.
As noted above, the Chief is nervous himself about the Seante…time will tell on that one. As far as “complete fear and shock”…like they say in Russia, “Toughski shitski!”