Navy diver’s killer held in Beirut
The Krauts Germans had been holding the Islamofascist terrorist Mohammad Ali Hamadi, who was the killer of US Navy Petty Officer Robert Stedman, with a life sentence.
In Deutschland, “life” apparently means something diffferent, in this case 18 years. Ignoring a known US request for extradition, the Hezbollah perp was released and flown to Beirut by the Krauts.
The Lebanese killer of a U.S. Navy diver was in custody in Beirut yesterday, according to U.S. officials who decried his release from a German prison last week and pledged to bring him to the United States for trial.
Apparently the recently formed government of ReichsKanzler Merkel is not much more supportive of the terror war than was the former Schrõder regime. Apparently the old connections between the 3rd Reich and the Islamofascists is alive and well to some extent at least.
Since the terr murderer is in some form of custody, there is at least some chance the US will get their hands on him – but given the scrambled state of affairs in Lebanon, anything is possible.