Iranian Presidential Authority Slipping

Iranians unfazed by president’s ban on Western music

Iranian President Ah’m-mad-in-a-jihad Ahmadinejad may have bit off more than he can chew in the information age with his recent order against western pop music. Admittedly, the order officially was directed at the state broadcasting system, but the overall attitude of the Iranians seems to be “Whatever!” as they go on with getting their fix of western media with little apparent enforcement to worry about.

Hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s ban on Western music fell on deaf ears Tuesday, as shop owners and music enthusiasts in the Iranian capital continued selling, buying and listening to everything from Hip Hop to country rock. “This president speaks as if he is living in the stone age. This man has to understand that he can’t tell the people what to listen and what not to listen,” said Mohammed Reza Hosseinpour as he browsed through a Tehran music shop.

The shop’s owner said he didn’t expect the president’s ban to be implemented. “Clerics and officials speak about imposing restrictions every other day. I don’t think it’s going to be enforced,” said Reza Sadeghi as he counted some bills he received from the sale of an Eric Clapton tape.

A wise leader doesn’t give orders that he knows won’t be followed, without seriously damaging his credibility and authority.

Hmmmm. “A WISE leader doesn’t…” ’nuff said!