Chinese inmates’ organs for sale to Britons
Out of the realms of anti-utopian science fiction, direct to your hospital – brought to you by those enterprising ChiComs!
A Chinese company has begun marketing kidneys, livers and other organs from executed prisoners to sick Britons in need of transplants. Hospital Doctor, a British magazine, earlier this month reported that a firm called Transplants International was trying to recruit British patients. Operations were to be carried out at Guangzhou Air Force Military Hospital by doctors from a hospital affiliated with the nearby Sun Yat-sen Southern University.
One interesting aspect is the direct involvement of the PLAF – the so-called “People’s Liberation” Army Air Force. Looks like they are turning their abundance of prisoners into an asset to help finance the build up of their military.
Like this should be a surprise? After they killed or allowed to die approx. 30-60 million of their own people since they gained power back in ’47, this new exercise in international trade seems almost mild.
The original reports were in the London Telegraph:
The doctor who offered me organs from executed prisoners
Na Ning is a young, fashionably dressed doctor from one of China’s leading university hospitals. In his excellent English, he this week recruited me to help him sell the organs of executed Chinese prisoners to British patients. “We can sign an agreement,” he said over a business lunch in a smart western restaurant. “We should be cautious – this is sensitive. There is no need to bring in lawyers or consultants. We should do the agreement on trust.”
After being approached by The Daily Telegraph, Transplants International shut down its website. It was set up by Jonathan Hakim, a Beijing-based businessman from the United States, using the name John Harris. Mr Hakim denied having supplied patients to Dr Na in the past and added that he had decided no longer to be involved with the project. “I see this is clearly something that I do not want to be part of,” he said.
Maybe they can set something up with WalMart. Most of the rest of their stuff is from China anymore.