Iran’s President Bans Western Music
What’s to say about this? While the Chief might have sympathy if he was only bnnning hip-hop, this goes far beyond that.
Iranian President Ah’m-mad-in-a-jihad Ahmadinejad has stated the need for the elimination of the state of Israel, repeatedly fulminated against the US and Western Civilization in general, all without generating much response from the left. This latest bit of statesmanship hits them where they live – any bets on a public response from the Hollywood/media moonbat left? Don’t hold your breath waiting – they say anoxia is a very unpleasant way to go.
Ahmadinejad could be considered nothing but a buffoon, but he and his policies are too dangerous to allow that. He’s replicating another former world leader who many failed to take seriously – the late, unlamented Reichsfuhrer himself.
Another similarity is that both of these creatures predicted in advance what their intentions were. Can anyone sane afford NOT to take this stuff seriously?