Presidential Presser Scores Again

Bush Says NSA Surveillance Necessary, Legal

The President continued to make a strong response to the libDonk/RINO appeasement wing of Congress and the MSM in his press conference today. With a lot of emphasis on the NSA terrorist monitoring program, the President also addressed other aspects of the Islamofascist War and national security.

IMHO, the press corps never laid a glove on hid during the questioning – rather it provided an opportunity for him to address and expound HIS agenda of resolute pursuit of the objectives of establishing a stable, constitutional government in Iraq, and continuing to pursue and counter terrorist groups.

Without mentioning names, he also not especially subtly jabbed a finger in the eyes of Schumer, Clinton, Boxhead Boxer, Ried, et al.

Raising his voice, Bush challenged Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton – without naming them – to allow a final vote on legislation renewing the anti-terror Patriot Act. “I want senators from New York or Los Angeles or Las Vegas to explain why these cities are safer” without the extension, he said. Reid represents Nevada; Clinton is a New York senator, and both helped block passage of the legislation in the Senate last week.

The overall final score on this one: President Bush made one of his best appearances ever!