Here’s one that the Rottweiler Emperor Misha has previously posted on, with justifiable pride as an emigrated Dane. It seems a Danish paper had the nerve to publish cartoon versions of how Mohammed may have looked. It touched off the expected protest and attempt to impose Dhimmitude, without any notable results. So reported by Misha and others.
This report carries it further, with the Islamofascists carried their complaints to the UN and found a suitably Dhimmified voice in the UN High Commisar Commissioner for Political Correctness Human Rights.
Alas for them, and to the benefit of Western Civilization, and the considerable show of Viking stubbornness, they have yet to make any impression on the Danish paper, government, or people (except for extra security guards at the paper).
Definitely not a reaction that would come out of Fwance these (or any) days!