Palestinians rocket Ariel Sharon’s ranch
In what is sure to be a major embarrassment for the Palestinian Authority, a group linked to PA President Mahmoud Abbas fired a Qassam rocket that landed yesterday just outside Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s ranch with the intention of killing the Jewish leader, a terror leader whose group also took part in the rocket launching told WND. “That rocket was fired by us in conjunction specifically with the united leadership of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. It was intended to kill Sharon, and thank God we are getting closer and closer to our target,” said Mohamed Abdel-Al, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees.
This no doubt is somewhat of a PR problem for the Paleswine-ian Palestinian Authority, the Chief doubts that they feel much embarrassment. That would be about like as SS Camp Guard feeling embarrassed to go to work.
If there were any real justice in this, Sharon himself is the one who should be embarrassed – to have it almost literally shoved down his throat that his policies of withdrawel, negotiation, and appeasement have utterly and demonstrably failed to achieve an attitude of tolerance, if not acceptance, on the part of the Paleswine-ians Palestinians.
One MIGHT think that the PM of Israel would be cognizant enough of EUROhistory from as recently as the 1930’s to be able to realize that appeasement of one’s enemies only leads them to demand and expect more: ultimately your total defeat and surrender.
This lesson to Sharon SHOULD also be reinforced by the evolving situation in Gaza, where the terrs are moving in to former Jewish settlements and setting up training camps. “Land for peace” sure worked THERE – not!