Australian PM Rejects Link Between Terror Warnings, Ethnic Clashes
New South Wales police and government leadership are showing serious signs of dhimmification, as Moslem groups predictably protest against profiling and description of criminals as having “middle-eastern appearance”. This only reinforces the two-year old warning about this situation that was earlier noted here.
At least the national PM is thus far holding to a firmer line in this.
Prime Minister John Howard said Monday the “racism” tag was often thrown around carelessly and he would not do so. He warned against “wallow[ing] in generalized self-criticism,” and attributed the violence to “the always explosive combination of a large number of people at the weekend and a large amount of alcohol.”
Howard also rejected suggestions that his government’s warnings about the dangers of terrorism emerging from within Australia’s Muslim community had fueled the clashes. “Everything this government’s said about home-grown terrorism has been totally justified,” he told a news conference in Sydney. “It is a potential threat. To suggest that one should remain silent … because that might antagonize someone else is a complete failure of leadership.”
Good for him.