GOP Senate Feeling It’s Oats

Frist says he’s prepared to block Democrats if they seek to filibuster Alito

This is only encouraging. Hopefully the GOP components of the “Gang of 14″ and other RINO’s will stay aboard on this one. Time will tell. This is where the rubber meets the road.

The Chief spend days and hours in two tough senate campaigns here in South Dakota to get a good conservative into the senate from here instead of Tom Dachshund Daschle. I KNOW where Sen. Thune will be voting on this, it’s the RINO wing that could still pull defeat from the jaws of victory, but hopefully this won’t happen.

Frist definitely has the right idea here:

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Sunday he is prepared to strip Democrats of their ability to filibuster if they try to stall Samuel Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court. “The answer is yes,” Frist said when asked if he would act to change Senate procedures to restrict a Democratic filibuster. “Supreme Court justice nominees deserve an up-or-down vote, and it would be absolutely wrong to deny him that.”

Bring on the constitutional option!