Solution to Iranian Nuke Program

Israel readies forces for strike on nuclear Iran

Israel has always been steadfast in taking whatever means are needed to defend and maintain its security. El-al airline for examople, hasn’t had a hi-jack since the 60’s. The Entebbe raid, and the pre-emptive strike on the Iraqi Osirak reactor site in ’81 are some other examples of direct action taken when needed.

With the percolation of the Iranian nuclear program currently attracting some lip service (but no action)from the UNOcrats, and EURabians, everyone realizes that SOMETHING needs to happen, but no one wants to take the bit in their teeth and run with it; the Euros,et al have no gumption to do anything, and the US is currently otherwise engaged. Well, ALMOST no one…

Israel’s armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed.

Israel appears to be taking on the dirty work that no one else is ready or willing to do at this time. The Chief hopes that they are up to their usual standards of military prowess.

“Israel — and not only Israel — cannot accept a nuclear Iran,” Sharon warned recently. “We have the ability to deal with this and we’re making all the necessary preparations to be ready for such a situation.”

A “massive” Israeli intelligence operation has been underway since Iran was designated the “top priority for 2005”, according to security sources. Cross-border operations and signal intelligence from a base established by the Israelis in northern Iraq are said to have identified a number of Iranian uranium enrichment sites unknown to the the IAEA.

If a military operation is approved, Israel will use air and ground forces against several nuclear targets in the hope of stalling Tehran’s nuclear programme for years, according to Israeli military sources.