Set Off by Incident with Lebanese

Revenge attacks in Sydney race war

Gangs of youths embarked on a series of “hit and run” revenge attacks across Sydney’s beachside suburbs last night after a day of racial violence that saw mobs rampage through Cronulla, in the city’s south, bashing anyone of Middle Eastern appearance.

Fox News reports that the trigger was an incident where a beach lifeguard was assaulted by a couple of Lebanese youth.

Stuff like this doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It would be interesting to know how much of a reaction to a real or imagined incipient Dhimmitude this is.

Scores of cars in the eastern suburb of Maroubra had their windscreens smashed and tyres slashed in what police fear is the first sign of retaliation by members of Sydney’s Muslim ommunity.

If that kept up there WOULD be a race war down there. One thing for sure, the Aussies have more gumption than the Frogs, who sat there for weeks and watched cars burn without much reaction.

Media note: Coverage of this in the US MSM on line is notable by its absence, even from Fox news who had coverage on the tube. Too politically incorrect not to appreciate the practitioners of the Religion of Piss Peace.