Former KGB Chief Reveals Supernatural Truth
Former KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov spent 20 years in the Soviet intelligence agencies. In an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily he reveals what the KGB knows about UFOs and other supernatural phenomena, life in space and secret agents’ secret methods.
At last! The hot scoop! Direct from the KGB! This is even better than Weekly World News! Read on:
Komsomolskaya Pravda:
The media keep telling us about UFOs and a variety of other supernatural phenomena. Researchers and cosmonauts may have different opinions on the matter, but all of them are sure of one thing: that exact information can be obtained from the intelligence agencies. You headed the Soviet secret service for the longest period of time, 17 years, that is, from 1971 to 1988. You also chaired the KGB from 1988 to 1991. You must be able to give us the ultimate truth  are there any UFOs out there?
We have never received any proof whatsoever that UFOs or other supernatural phenomena actually exist.
Awwwwwwwwww! He goes on:
With full responsibility I have to state  never ever during the long period of my work with the intelligence service was anything really supernatural spotted, either in Russia or in any other country. When I say “other countryâ€Â, I rely on the information from the highest officials, military, research and of course the intelligence agencies of foreign states.
Well, there it is. Unless of course his answer is just dezinformatzia – that MUST be it! Phew! It was starting to look like the Coast to Coast AM radio show was going to have to take a dive!