Mixed Congressional Bag for Administration

A couple of developments in Congress that have both good and bad news for the administration:

Patriot Act wins Senate approval

After months of fulminating debate and political posturing, the Donks and Rinos finally accepted reality, and after a few minor changes, approved the extennsion fo the Patriot Act. In spite of threats of filibuster, etc., there was no stomach for continuing the scorched earth opposition, and the law was approved overwhelmingly in the Senate.

Relatively easy passage is also expected in the Hous, followed by the Presidential signature before the time-limited provisions now in force reach their expiration.

Lawmaker vows to kill ports deal

Meanwhile, GOP opposition to the Dubai ports deal continues, with a promise to attempt to torpedo the deal via legislation, as more security questions continue to be exposed as the debate drags on.

The Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee (Duncan Hunter – R-CA) yesterday said he’ll push legislation that would not only kill a Dubai-owned company’s bid to operate in U.S. ports, but would kick out any foreign-owned company that owns U.S. terminals or other key infrastructure.

His bill would require 100 percent inspection of all incoming cargo and would mandate that, over time, all ports and other critical U.S. infrastructure, such as power plants that are owned by foreign entities be sold back to Americans.

The security benefits here are clear, and unambiguous. Good for Hunter, et al. With continued fecklessness on border enforcement, what credibility do assurances of no problems have any longer? In this area, not much, unfortunately.