Final solution to the Islamoterr Problem!

Intifada and Iraqifada

Joseph Farah of World Net Daily has cut to the chase on what needs to be done to deal with the threat of Islamofascist terrs:

Only one course of action will prove victorious in the Middle East. Appeasement and conciliation will not work. Promoting free elections will not be enough. There is only one thing we can do if we want to win – and, in winning the peace, set the stage for real freedom in the region. We’ve got to destroy the bad guys.

He continues:

There’s an old saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That is exactly what Israel has been doing in the Middle East for too long. It’s time for Israel to wake up – before it’s too late.

It’s also time for some new thinking in Washington. No more concessions. No more appeasement. No more giveaways. No more invitations to further violence. No more incentives to terrorism. No more encouraging vile hatreds. No more self-flagellation.

The same rules should apply in Israel and Iraq – and certainly in Iran as well. It’s time to seek out the bad guys and destroy them. There is no substitute. We cannot win the wars in the Middle East with peace talks and treaties and accords.

Hear, hear!

The Truth is generally clear – not necessarily easy, or pleasant, but essentially understandable and simple.