Bush: U.S. on Verge of Energy Breakthrough
The President made some remarks that may be rather cryptic, but which the Chief thinks MAY refer to some breakthrough technologies that are being pursued on the bleeding edge of our physics and engineering technology.
Saying the nation is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that would “startle” most Americans, President Bush on Monday outlined his energy proposals to help wean the country off foreign oil.
The Chief wonders if something like this report is further along than most are aware of – note, there’s some financially serious people involved here – who DON’T have a vested interest in a lifetime’s work in the world of the creaky “standard model” of physical particles.
This particular outfit, BlackLight Power. has a LOT of information on their web site, and as a physics teacher, there’s enough there that I’m impressed by their efforts and direction.
The mathematical acrobatic gyrations of the current state of quantum physics is straining harder and harder to explain more and more “discrepant” observations (like the German experiment that successfully transmits complex information faster-than-light). If the world of particle physics is indeed on the verge of its own “Copernican Revoluton”, the possibilities could indeed be out of this world in a number of ways.
One can only hope so. That would be a real green weenie for the Islamoterrs to chew on!