Danish apology fails to quell Muslim anger
Muslim extremists attacked churches at the weekend as the row over the cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed continued to spread despite an apology from the Danish newspaper that first published them.
So what did they really expect? Apparently the Eurabians haven’t really got it yet – apologizing these people is wholly inadequate to excuse the inescapable fact of being non-Islamic. Trying to appease the Islamofascists of the world is always destined to be an exercise in the futility of self-imposed dhimmitude.
At least 41 people have now died since the row ignited last month, following the intervention of political and religious leaders in the Arab world. Churches in Nigeria, Libya and Pakistan, as well as the US embassy in Indonesia, were attacked at the weekend and extremists fought running battles with police in the Pakistan capital, Islamabad.
What is the connection between Christian churches in Nigeria, Libya, and Pakistan, and the notorious cartooms from a Danish newspaper? The only possible link is the shared fact of being infidels in Islamofascist eyes.
Appeasement won’t work now any more than it did for Chamberlain in the 1930’s.