Driver hurt when car collides with train
He Fought the Law (of physics) but the Law Won!
It’s a simple application: momentum = mass x velocity.
Greater mass = more momentum, and more force that can act on other objects.
Train = BIG mass,
Pickup Truck = MUCH smaller mass.
Truck will lose a fight with a train.
Roger Risty, 54, was driving a Chevy truck north near the Sioux Empire Fairgrounds entrance. At about 9:20 a.m. Risty struck the first of five railroad cars being pushed across the road by an Ellis & Eastern locomotive.
(Risty) was cited this morning for failure to stop after he crashed into a slow-moving railroad car on Lyons Blvd.
Risty declined ambulance service but was treated at a hospital for minor injuries. The train sustained about $1,000 worth of damage, but the truck took an estimated $20,000 hit.
Final score: Train 1 / Pickup 0.