DUH! Who Would Have EVER Guessed!!

Money really doesn’t buy happiness, study finds

The Chief might have guessed that this is a real “no-brainer”, but apparently there was enough plausible question for someone to snag a grant for an academic study. (A nice racket there, eh?)

Money doesn’t buy happiness, and now there’s a study to prove it. Australian researchers found that people in well-off Sydney are among the most miserable in the country, while those in some of the poorest areas are much more satisfied with their lives.

“Only at very, very high levels does money actually have any impact to act as a buffer,” said Deakin University researcher Liz Eckerman. “Money doesn’t actually buy happiness and that’s what was shown very clearly for the nearly 23,000 people we’ve interviewed so far,” she told ABC radio.

’nuff said.