Scenario Designed by Fellini?
Although it’s a couple days ago, this just HAS to be noted. I guess you have to be Euro or engaged in some form of psychoactive experimental recreational pharmaceutical products to get it. The Chief and Mrs. Chief were both amazed and astounded at the Olympic opening festivities.
The preliminary part of it was reminescent of Disney’s Fantasia “Night on Bald Mountain” with the writhing collections of dancing(?) figures in a hellish looking red-orange environment, further emphasized by periodic appearances of napalm-flame-head skaters. When this was followed by the herd of randomly stampeding plastic cows on ice, along with the dancers wearing Gateway (computers) style cow spots, we were frankly reduced to laughter at the site.
We agreed that we did have sympathy and appreciation for the folk also involved, seemingly as an afterthought, who were showcasing some apparently traditional Italo-Alpine costume and dance.
The entry of the athletes was all well and good, although NBC’s editorial commenting on the political and social travails of the various participating nations as their delegations entered was anything but appropriate for an Olympic celebration, but then again, when they saddle the sports coverage with a so-called news anchor, what else could be expected? That’s what they do!
Overall, it was a waste of HD, but the Chief HAS to concede that the featured Ferrari F-1 car was way cool.