Some related items concerning the active moves against abortion that are percolating in the current South Dakota legislative session:
After hearing familiar arguments and emotional testimony, a legislative committee on Wednesday approved a measure that would ban nearly all abortions in South Dakota. “In all honesty, it will generate litigation leading toward the repeal of Roe v. Wade,†Rep. Roger Hunt, R-Brandon, the chief sponsor of HB1215, told members of the House State Affairs Committee and a standing-room-only audience, referring to the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld a woman’s right to have an abortion.
When questioned about the cost of fighting such a battle, Hunt said an anonymous donor has pledged $1 million to help fund it. “When we have thought something is right, we have not been concerned with the cost,†Hunt said.
OK. That is aiming at a possible SCOTUS action to review Roe v Wade on the Federal level. The state constitutional issue is also not being neglected:
A state legislative committee on Wednesday endorsed a proposal that would make it clear that the South Dakota Constitution does not grant any right to an abortion. The Senate State Affairs Committee unanimously endorsed the proposed constitutional amendment. If the Legislature gives final approval to SJR2, the change would be put to a public vote in the November election.
The measure would add language to the constitution saying: “This Constitution shall not be construed to grant any right relating to abortion.â€Â
Predictable, the State Planned Parenthood person and other Donks were of course fulminating against all of this, but polling showing 62% popular approval seems to be adequate to keep the bills moving.