ZD-Net Editor: DRM = CRAP!

A load of C.R.A.P.

D.R.M. stands for Digital Rights Management, which is technology that is designed to prevent bootleg reproduction of audio-video media. Not stopping there, it also prevents youi from transferring LEGALLY PURCHASED media content between different playback devices that do not have the compatible DRM built into it. So, all the media providers use compatible DRM – right? WRONG!

For example, if you purchase some music legally on a CD, DRM could prevent you from playing it on a PC (It’s a CD, get it? It ONLY plays on a CD player!) Or a legally paid for downloaded tune might play on an I-Pod, but would be untransferable to a PC, or any other form of playback device you use that does not have Apple’s compatible DRM built into it to allow you to play it.

The result will be that Sony content could require a Sony player, content acquired from Apple would require their device, and Microsoft content could only be played on a device licensed by them for their content. Remember, this is assuming it to all be legally purchased content, licensed (allegedly) for your personal use under copyright provisions.

The writer here inveighs against DRM which he has re-defined as CRAP: Content, Restriction, Annulment and Protection. The Chief finds nothing to argue with in his piece. Check it out for yourself.