Request falls short of full funding for border agents
This was signalled in the State of the Union when the Pres failed to mention anything about the border problems. It looks like Bush’s recurrent RINO-virus is acting up again.
President Bush’s new budget again fails to fund the entire number of Border Patrol agents mandated by Congress but for the first time includes funds for his proposed guest-worker program.
This is just insane! It puts the cart in front of the horse. No “guest worker” scheme can even come close to being enforceable as long as there are not enough people to actually perform the enforcement!
“It’s a very strong budget, and the request clearly reflects the priority that is placed on securing our borders,” said Department of Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke…
Yeah right…and it’s a form of straightening deck chairs on the Titanic…a wasted effort, but with a few things being done to allow for serious bloviating to the effect that “We’re really taking care of everything”.
What a sad joke, and meanwhile, our borders continue to be wide open, and vulnerable to raids by the Mexican Army, as well as the usual run of illegal immigrants, smugglers, and, dare one say el Qaida?!