Iran raises the nuclear stakes after being reported to UN
Iran took the UN’s IAEC report as all the excuse it needed to announce it was going to proceed apace with it’s plans to implement it’s expanded nuclear policy, apparently buttressed by the self-assurance of Pres. Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad that the west, and especially the US has too many other irons in the fire to take on another. So much the worse for him, and his country when push really comes to shove.
Iran escalated its nuclear showdown with the West last night by ending international inspections of its atomic sites and preparing to restart uranium enrichment. Hours after Iran was reported to the United Nations Security Council for its nuclear programme, its officials were taking the first steps towards carrying out their threat to produce the material – which Western intelligence believes will be used for atomic weapons.
Iranian opposition groups are plain-spoken in urging a stronger western response to Iran’s stated intentions:
The leader of the Iranian exile group that first alerted the world to the secret nuclear programme said information from inside the country indicated that Teheran was much closer to making an atomic bomb than previously believed. Maryam Rajavi, who heads the National Council of Resistance of Iran, urged Western governments to stop appeasing Teheran in order to prevent the regime acquiring nuclear weapons. “Eighteen years of secrecy, three-plus years of man-oeuvering by the US, Europe and Russia have seriously imperilled the security of the world,” she told the Sunday Telegraph at the group’s headquarters at Auvers-sur-Oise, west of Paris. “Time has run out. I warn that either the Security Council acts quickly or the mullahs will have the bomb.”
In other words, it’s time to fish or cut bait!
Mrs Rajavi called on the West to implement political and economic sanctions, which she said would boost democratic resistance to the regime.
This excellent concluding statement flies in the face of the prevailing P.C. moonbat conventional (so-called) wisdom that tough sanctions only hurt the prospects for reform, as if failing to stand up to thugs of any stripe at any level EVER resulted in anything other than yet more thuggery!