SCOTUS Swing now Underway

Democrats concede Judge Alito victory

In spite of the fulminations of the Kennedy-Schumer-Leahy axis and their ilk, the Donks do not appear to have enough votes to make a successful filibuster against the nomination of Judge Alito to SCOTUS.

It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving crew – their total fecklessness and bloviation is right out there in public, and with the monopoly of the MSM cracked, they discovered much to their dismay that they have lost the ability to “Bork” the nomination.

As icing on the cake, Kerry presents a comic-opera finish to the game with his cry of despair from the ski slopes of Switzerland:

Sen. John Kerry dashed home from the Swiss Alps yesterday to man the barricades of a futile filibuster against Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.

Well before he reached the battlefield, however, Democrats had waved the white flag and agreed that next week’s vote to confirm Judge Alito will surely succeed. “Everyone knows there is not enough votes to support a filibuster,” Minority Leader Harry Reid said yesterday, several hours before Mr. Kerry arrived.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan called it a “pretty historic” day. “This was the first time ever that a senator has called for a filibuster from the slopes of Davos, Switzerland,” Mr. McClellan said. “I think even for a senator, it takes some pretty serious yodeling to call for a filibusters from a five-star ski resort in the Swiss Alps.” By midday, Republicans had dubbed Mr. Kerry’s international politicking the “Swiss Miss.”

The Chief is amazed that anyone still takes this guy seriously. He continues to push the envelope to extend the definition of “buffoon”.

With this, maybe the Donks will finally start to realize that they have lost the last few elections.