Humuhumunukunukuapuaa lost official status in Hawaii

Bill offered to restore official status


This story is good to get your tongues loosened up for the upcoming election “discussions”. The key to the name of this fish is to remember that each vowel is pronounced as an individual syllable in the poly\nesian languages. All you need to do is deal with the name is to break it down into syllables, and pronounce each vowel, as noted. For example, the ending is “…kuapuaa” that comes out “ku-ah-pu-ah-ah”. It’s easy, right?

The news shook the world of state Rep. Blake Oshiro, who found out the designation was no longer official from Joel Itomura, a 6-year-old fish-loving son of a friend and constituent. “I was really surprised,” said Mr. Oshiro, who has drawn up a bill to make the humuhumunukunukuapuaa — also known as the rectangular triggerfish, or “humuhumu” for short — the official state fish for the islands.

The details of the dethronement of the “humuhumu” are in the story, along with more than you may want to know about Hawaiian fish, but since the Chief had two trips to said islands with the Navy, he remains a lifelong fan of the islands, if not their politics.