Hamas plan for an army draws fire
The Chief notes the prophetic nature of this WaPo headline: if there’s verbal fire aimed at Hamas over plans to incorporate itself into a regular army, it’s NOTHING compared to the REAL fire they will draw from Israel if they go ahead with their plan and continue to attack the Israeli state.
Hamas suggested yesterday that the Islamic group could create a Palestinian army that would include its militant wing — responsible for scores of deadly attacks on Israelis — in the aftermath of its crushing victory in parliamentary elections.
Speaking from his base in Damascus, Syria, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal insisted his group would not disarm and said Hamas’ military wing, estimated at nearly 5,000 gunmen in Gaza alone, could be merged into a Palestinian army. “We are ready to unify the weapons of Palestinian factions, with Palestinian consensus, and form an army like any independent state,” he said. Mr. Mashaal also said Hamas would abide by existing agreements with the country “as long as it is in the interest of our people.”(emphasis added)
Ooops. Historically the Hamas position has consistantly been that the “interest of our people” is the eleimination of the state of Israel, and driving the Jews into the sea.
Not a ressuring situation.