The Chief certainly doesn’t agree with all of the politics of New Mexico’s Donk Governor (and former Clintonisto) Bill Richardson, but he’s been doing an OUTSTANDING job of promoting New Mexico’s prominence in the development of commercial spaceflight. This will turn out to be a legacy that will have a lasting impact by positioning his state firmly on the launching pad for the 21st Century and beyond.
New Mexico: Building A Better Spaceport
With a projected $225 million being spent to create a “purpose-built” spaceport near Upham, New Mexicoâ€â€expected to be completed by 2009-2010â€â€for many of the principals involved there remains but one question: what is a 21st century spaceport supposed to look like? Bulldozers have yet to start pushing dirt around. Nonetheless, near-term and future users of the spaceport are ready to bring their respective countdowns into the area.
The Chief posted on the spaceport development plans, which were solidified by agreements with enterpreneur Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic. Those plans are already being implemented by additional outfits that have their operational targets above the atmosphere.
Late last year, British entrepreneur, Richard Branson, decided to park the world headquarters of his Virgin Galactic spaceline in New Mexico and to use the Southwest Regional Spaceport as the company’s primary operating base. Furthermore, the state’s quest to build a spaceport has also become a magnet for rocket builders Starchaser Industries, launch specialists UP Aerospace, the annual X Prize Cup and the Rocket Racing League.
Richardson’s bet was to imitate Costner’s strategy in Field of Dreams: “Build it and they will come.”
The proposed spaceport site is approximately 27 square miles of open, generally level, range land that can be found 45 miles north of Las Cruces and 30 miles east of Truth or Consequences. This site was picked for its low population density, uncongested airspace, and high elevation.
It looks like the bet is paying off, with a number of space enterprises planning on moving in to the facility along with Branson, et al.
In fact the first area (sub-orbital) launch is on track for March:
That’s ideal rocket country for UP Aerospace of Unionville, Connecticut. They are readying their SpaceLoft XL rocket for a New Mexico spaceport sendoff in late March. This opening rocket launch is to set the stage for a series of space liftoffs planned for the Southwest Regional Spaceport.
There’s more detail about the many aspects of pushing this project along, including funding, FAA certification(s), etc. This is serious stuff, and will ultimately produce a serious payoff for the state of New Mexico, and the US in general.
Rocket Racing League Establishes New Mexico Headquarters
The Chief also previously noted the organization of the Rocket Racing League. Their organization is now actually on the ground, and is in the process of setting up their first base at Las Cruces, NM. Racing is planned for October. How cool is this?!
The Chief would REALLY like to go to that event!