Dragon Going to the Moon, Eagle Getting Left Behind

U.S. Losing Unofficial Space Race, Congressmen Say

Some congressmen believe the United States and China are in an unacknowledged space race that this country could lose if it doesn’t spend more money on the civilian space program.

DUH! No shit, Sherlocks!

The communist nation’s military runs its manned space program, employs an estimated 200,000 workers and has set a goal of putting an astronaut on the moon by 2017. By contrast, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is a civilian government program with a limited budget that directly employs fewer than 20,000 civil servants and has lost the commanding lead it once held over the rest of the world in human space exploration.

Like the song says: “Every picture tells a story, don’t it!”

We had best get off our butts on this, or we will find ourselves in deep dung indeed if the ChiComs are able to hold the ultimate high ground.