Iranian News Agency: straight from the horses’ as…er…mouth.
Iran Says Palestine is Center of Islam

President Ahmadinejad said Friday Palestine is the center of the final stages of the battle between Islam and arrogance, saying the Palestinian Intifada is progressing. The plots hatched by enemies against Palestine should not be overlooked even for a moment, Ahmadinejad noted in a meeting with leaders of the Palestinian resistance movements in Damascus, Syria.

OK. It looks to the Chief like Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad is continuing with the serial version of his Islamic Mein Kampf. Check it out for a direct sampling of a psychotic view of reality.

Iran warns against UN referral

Iran’s top nuclear official on Sunday warned Tehran would resume efforts to enrich uranium on an industrial scale if its case was reported to the UN Security Council, further raising the stakes in the crisis over its nuclear programme.

As ineffectual as the UN has been, it’s hard to understand what the Iranian’s worry is about.

Tehran earlier this month moved to resume nuclear research, including some small-scale enrichment. But Ali Larijani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, which handles the nuclear issue, said in an interview with the Financial Times that a referral to the United Nations would force Tehran to broaden significantly the scale of such work.

Iran is already busting their agreement, so this is just threatening more of the same. Besides, who’s going to be able to see if they are just doing “a little bit” now?

Iran has always intended to develop industrial-scale uranium enrichment, which can be used for nuclear reactors or atomic weapons, but stopped all preparatory work during two-year talks with Europeans.

Sounds like another example of an Islamic “truce” – with just as much validity and with the same goal as the one Bin Ladin offered: string the enemy along while strength is built up before resuming the attack.

Israeli Hints at Preparation to Stop Iran

Israel’s defense minister hinted Saturday that the Jewish state is preparing for military action to stop Iran’s nuclear program, but said international diplomacy must be the first course of action. “Israel will not be able to accept an Iranian nuclear capability and it must have the capability to defend itself, with all that that implies, and this we are preparing,” Shaul Mofaz said.

This is not a surprise to the Chief, nor should it be to anyone. They have a slogan over there that is MUCH more than just a simple slogan: “Never again!”. Iranian and other Islamofascists of similar ilk like HAMAS, al Qaida, and all the other groups may be on the edge of learning a hard, hard lesson – and one which they will have fully earned.

Israel’s concerns about Iran have grown since the election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who said last year that Israel should be “wiped off the map.”

Is there REALLY cause for some alarm here? Sure looks like it!

Iran says Israeli threats are a ‘childish game’

Historically, wars have often started when one party misunderstimated the resolve of another. Iran shows evidence that it is going chugging down that railroad in it’s own inimitable way:

Iran on Sunday said Israel would be making a “fatal mistake” should it resort to military action against Tehran’s nuclear program and dismissed veiled threats from the Jewish state as a “childish game.”

None of this is a cause for much optimism.