Solving a Problem? Or not?

Teen drivers’ phones targeted

The Chief admits that cell phone use by inexperienced drivers can be a problem. Having said that, he’s NOT at all sure that legislation is the solution.

Methinks it isn’t something unique to cell phone use to be a problem while driving. Many other actvities, (all of which the Chief has personally witnessed) can be serious distractions to driving: eating hamburgers, talking to passengers, lighting up and smoking, drinking beverages (of any type), changing CD’s, reading newspapers, combing hair, (re)doing fingernail polish, etc., etc.

Should ALL of these be subject to legislative review? One would hope not, although some are even worse that the use of the dreaded cell phone. It is probably a good idea to have a “distracted driving” provision that imposes sanctions if ANY distraction results in an accident or other driving violation.

Singling out ONE activity for sanction in and of itself, is really nothing more than another manifestation of that the Chief regards as the attitude of “the nanny state” – micromanaging the details of daily life, of course in the interest of protecting us from ourselves. Enough already!