Tom Daschle considers bid for president
Former South Dakota Sen. Tom Daschle is weighing the possibility of running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008. “I have received a lot of encouragement,” Daschle said in an email today to the Argus Leader.
From where? Hildebrand?
Larry Sabato, a political expert at the University of Virginia, said Daschle was not in his latest rankings of likely Democratic candidates because he wasn’t convinced Daschle would run. “I wouldn’t call him the favorite, or even second or third. But it’s early,” Sabato said.
The Chief has a LOT of trouble visualizing an ex-Senator and former Donk senate leader, who managed to not get re-elected in his own state attracting anything like the sort of support it would take to make a strong enough run to have a chance. If he truly IS a serious candidate, it can only be a sign of some degree of desparation with the Donks.
Come to think of it, some people are talking about Al Gore again. Maybe there IS a cult among the Donks of undead politicians who just won’t die (politically) with dignity.
Can no one get near enough to them with a crucifix and garlic to use the wooden stake and lay him to rest once and for all? Buffy, there’s still work for you!
H/T to South Dakota Politics.