Virginia Tech Slaughter Raises Many Questions
Questions about the VT shootings? You bet!
The Chief has posted on this previously here and here , and this summary piece relates the current state of knowledge about Cho to other incidents where an Islamist connection was ignored and/or downplayed.
In addition to anything noted anywhere else is the matter of Cho’s roomate. NOT the “suite mate” who has been seen all over the TV…but the actual ROOM-mate, whose name was accidently(?) shown listed on a door tag with Seung Hui as being “Joseph”. What was/is HIS background? Could this be an Islamic contact for Cho? Who knows? (Certainly no one who’s been following the media!)
One MIGHT come to the conclusion that the MSM is working hard to downplay any Islamofascist terrorism in the US at all costs. If they DIDN’t, people just MIGHT begin to get aroused about the clear and present danger, and demand a more effective and expanded pursuit of Islamofascism…like that of Iran, Libya, Sudan, Pakistan, etc.
The trouble with that is that it would reinforce the administration’s policies and actions to stop the terrs whereever they stand…and they couldn”t allow that!