Video Direct from the Front…Untouched by the MSM!ÂÂÂ
This is some video stock from an upcoming Iraq war documentary…it’s the REAL deal for sure! Some of it has extremely rough language, and yes, people die.
Remember the bit about “War is hell.” This is Ramallah…which elsewhere on this site is described as a spot “where Satan moved in and set up his throne”.
This is sure not CNN! Pass it on.
After seeing this all I can say is that it reinforcews even more (if possible) the Chief’s opinion that Donk Harry Reid & the Queen Bitch Pelosi of the House and their ilk totally have their heads stuck up the rear end of a horse.
And unfotunately, they seem to enjoy the view… Fealty to their party, just not to the country they’re supposed to be serving…