Direct From the Iraq Front!

Marine Corporal From A Bunker In Ramadi: “I Got A Message For That Douche Harry Reid”

This is really good – it doesn’t get any more real than this posting from within a few hours of when I make this posting!

Yeah and I got a quote for that douche harry reid. These families need us here. obviously he has never been in iraq. or at least the area worth seeing, the parts where insurgency is rampant and the buildings are blown to pieces. We need to stay here and help rebuild. If Iraq didn’t want us here then why do we have IP’s voluntering everyday to rebuild their cities. and working directly with us too. same with the IA’s. It sucks that Iraqi’s have more patriotism for a country that has turned to complete shit. More than the people in America who drink Starbucks everyday. We could leave this place and say we are sorry to the terrorists. and then we could wait for 3,000 more American civilians to die before we say “Hey thats not nice” again, and the sad thing is after we WIN this war people like him will say he was there for us the whole time.

This Marine couldn’t have said it any better as far as the Copperhead Senator Reid is concerned.

The Pat Dollard site I found this on is one of the best warblogs I think I’ve seen. Check it out