Serbian War pt. II?

The Inconvenient Serbs

One of the Chief’s favorite commentators is always Spengler, found in the Asia Times.

This piece reminds us of the still simmering and unsettled situation in the Balkans between Serbia and Kosovo. It looks like the Serbs (and the Russians) may well have reached the point of “enough is enough”…and that the UNO proposed Kosovo independence with no recognition of Serbian rights will prove to ultimately be a no-go deal.

There is an alternative proposal for partition of Kosovo, with relatively small areas of Serb occupancy being attached to Serbia, with the Moslem majority doing what they want with the rest. The UNOcrats and our own State Department Foggy Bottom Boys aren’t buying into it, while the Russians do.

A UN veto by Russia could lead to a unilateral Ismalmic declaration of Kosovan independence with the likely outcome an openly Orthodox Christian vs. Moslem war in Europe. Maybe that would get some Euro reason starting regarding their tendency towards appeasement, under the principle stated by Samuel Johnson:

Depend upon it sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates the mind wonderfully.