Connections of Qaddafi, Hillary, Boxer, and Cho?

The Followers of ISMAIL

This is a fairly detailed article on the current state of Ismaili Islam. Huh? What’s THAT? Not exactly on your radar screen these days? Maybe it should be.

First some background:

In recent weeks we have seen resurgence in the followers of the Ismaili sect of Shia Islam. Libyan leader Mu’ammar Qaddafi called, in a speech in Niger to Tuareg tribal leaders, for the establishment of a second Shi’ite Fatimid state in North Africa, after the model of the 10th-13th century empire that ruled North Africa, Egypt, and parts of the Fertile Crescent. It is worthwhile to review some of the background and origins of this sect and also to see how it may be impacting current events. The Ismailis are the followers of the seventh caliph Ismail and are know as seveners vs. the followers of the twelfth Imam or twelvers as Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Ismaili Students’ Association operates on many campuses.

Next the piece goes into a fairly detailed untangling of the history involved in Ismaili Islam. Relevant today? The Chief thinks so, but check it out for yourself.

In additon to the historical background of the Ismailis, the writer points out more possible inspiration if not actual connection with Cho Seung Hi…hitting on some aspects that have been totally ignored (due to lack of knowledge more than suppression) in the media.

As if that is not enough, there is a real involvement of the L.A. Ismailis with fundraising for both Hillary and Sen. Boxer (Donk- CA), which ultimately proved to be illegal, with the chief Ismaili fund raiser on the lam out of the country at this time, but still actively sought by the FBI.

By 2004, Jinnah had cemented his party ties. He and his family, who had moved to Bel-Air, personally contributed $122,000 to Democratic candidates and causes that year alone. “I’m just recalling how close I’ve been with the Clinton family and those nights, movies, dinners, lunches in the White House,” he said in unsteady English.

“At about the same time, the Justice Department began investigating allegations that Jinnah’s fundraising on behalf of Clinton and others was illegal. He would later be charged with violating federal law by reimbursing employees and associates for contributions made in their names to Clinton’s HillPac and the Friends of Barbara Boxer campaign. Today, having fled the country, Jinnah is on the FBI’s “featured fugitives” list.”

So what is Ismaili Islam up to these day that we shoul have any interest in them?

On March 31, 2007, Libyan leader Mu’ammar Qaddafi called, in a speech in Niger to Tuareg tribal leaders, for the establishment of a second Shi’ite Fatimid state in North Africa, after the model of the 10th-13th century empire that ruled North Africa, Egypt, and parts of the Fertile Crescent. In his speech, Qaddafi denounced the division of Muslims into Sunni and Shi’ite as a colonialist plot, and rebuked the Arab League members for “hating Iran” according to the article In Overture to Iran, Qaddafi Declares North Africa Shi’ite and Calls for Establishment of New Fatimid State by MEMRI Special Dispatch Series — No 1535 of April 6, 2007.

Did you catch that? Even the Iranians haven’t spoken in these terms. He is actually saying that his political ambition is to return to the 1100-1300 AD condition!!!!

There is also a further treatment of the history and religious underpinnings of the Fatimid Caliphate…and it ain’t a pretty picture sports fans. Qaddafi et al, are every bit a dangerous to the US and the west as are the Iranian Ayotollahs and their mouthpiece Ahmadinejad.

Check it out for youself. Forewarned is forearmed.